Abstract—Currently the Electrocardiogram (ECG) is still an
important and conventional tool that represents a pre-diagnosis
system in a wide variety of heart diseases. Conventional
Electrocardiography pre-diagnosis is based on time variations
and ECG waveforms characteristics. Because of this, there are
many studies and tables that describe time variations as heart
healthy patterns, but there are almost no waveform amplitude
variation studies that describe heart healthy patterns in an
ECG trace. We reported here a complete evaluation of time and
amplitude variations described by a very used ECG database
called The PTB Diagnostic ECG Database. In order to measure
ECG waveforms patterns in time and amplitude, we used a
slightly modified and classic algorithm developed by Pan and
Tompkins, as wells as a proposed method based on wavelets.
Results show complete descriptive tables that represent a
heart-healthy subject both in time amplitude variations.
Index Terms—ECG trace, amplitude variability, time
variability, ECG parameters.
Manuel M. Casas is with the Mexican-European Institute of Sciences,
Mexicali, ZP 21100, Mexico (e-mail: manuel.martinez.casas@gmail.com).
Roberto L. Avitia, Alexandra Gomez, Marco A. Reyna, and Jose A.
Cardenas-Haro are with the Department of Bioengineering and
Environmental Health, Autonomous University of Baja California, Mexicali,
ZP 21100, Mexico (e-mail: ravitia@uabc.edu.mx).
Cite:Manuel M. Casas, Roberto L. Avitia, Alexandra Gomez-Caraveo, Marco A. Reyna, and Jose A. Cardenas-Haro, "A Complete Study of Variability in Time and Amplitude of a Standard ECG Database," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 366-373, 2015.