Abstract—A Mammogram is a competent tool in early
detection of breast cancer. Image enhancement in
mammographic images increases the diagnosability of
abnormalities in the images. The classical image enhancement
techniques are not adept to improve the diagnostic features in
mammograms. The enhancement technique proposed in this
paper utilizes Stationary Wavelet Transform (SWT), modulus
maxima and high boost filtering. The image is decomposed
using SWT and its modulus maximum is determined. A fraction
of the high pass filtered image obtained as the result of SWT
decomposition and modulus maxima is added to original image.
The scheme is evaluated visually and objectively using measures
like contrast, PSNR etc. The performance measures are
evaluated for different category of images and found to be
suitable to all categories of mammographic images.
Index Terms—Contrast improvement index, EMEE,
mammogram, PSNR, stationary wavelet transform.
The authors are with the Department of Electronics, Model Engineering
College, Kochi, Kerala, India (e-mail: aryaps@mec.ac.in,
Cite:Arya Devi P. S. and M. G. Mini, "Mammographic Image Enhancement Based on SWT and High Boost Filtering," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 374-378, 2015.