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IJCTE 2015 Vol.7(3): 231-235 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2015.V7.962

Programming: A Study on Upper Primary Students’ Attitude towards Education Digital Games

Mohd Lezam Lehat, Rashidah Mokhtar, Nora Mohd Basir, and Yusnita Sokman

Abstract—There is an emerging trend of using games for learning purposes and previous research has looked at how the concept is applied in different fields. However, little studies have been done to examine how programming affects primary school students especially in the Malaysian context. To better understand how learners respond to the use of digital games in learning programming, this exploratory case study is performed by examining the attitude of upper primary schools students towards its usage. The students were asked to perform several learning activities using games during which observations were made and questionnaires were distributed for data collection. The outcome of the study will be useful in the future development of games that are suitable to the students’ age and level. By identifying the learners’ preference, it can help to guide the development of digital games especially in the field of programming.

Index Terms—Digital games, education, primary students, programming.

Mohd Lezam Lehat, Rashidah Mokhtar, Yusnita Sokman are with the Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA Johor, CO. 85009 Malaysia (e-mail:,
Nora Mohd Basir is with the Department of Statistic, Faculty of Computer and Mathematical Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA Johor, CO. 85009 Malaysia (e-mail:


Cite:Mohd Lezam Lehat, Rashidah Mokhtar, Nora Mohd Basir, and Yusnita Sokman, "Programming: A Study on Upper Primary Students’ Attitude towards Education Digital Games," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 231-235, 2015.

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