Abstract—Two major controversial metrics that determine
the stability period of a wireless sensor network (WSN) are
accuracy and longevity. In this paper, we analyse the trade-off
between accuracy and longevity in WSNs. We investigate
different types of WSNs routing techniques together with their
applications and state of the art in WSN routing protocols and
determine their underlying success with regards to accuracy
and longevity. We provide alternatives for algorithms not
described in both parameters.
Index Terms—Network lifetime, routing protocol, wireless
sensor network.
N. Laloo is with the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering,
School of Innovative Technologies and Engineering, University of
Technology, Mauritius (e-mail: n.laloo@umail.utm.ac.mu).
M. S. Sunhaloo is with the School of Innovative Technologies and
Engineering, University of Technology, Mauritius (e-mail:
R. K. Subramanian was with the Department of Computer Science,
Faculty of Engineering, University of Mauritius (e-mail:
Cite:N. Laloo, M. S. Sunhaloo, and R. K. Subramanian, "Trade-off between Accuracy and Longevity in Wireless Sensor Networks," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 223-230, 2015.