Abstract—Recently, the concepts of game theory has attract the attention of researcher for self-governing decision making to study the performance of wireless network. There has been growing interest in accepting game theoretic method to wireless systems. The problem of interference management in femtocell network is approached from the prospective of game theory with the concept of price policy. Whereby price is used to control the power transmission of each femto users in the cell coverage. In this paper, we propose a price policy to reduce the effect of interference between the femto users at both center and edge regions of cell network. The performance of our proposed algorithm is demonstrated by simulation results.
Index Terms—Femtocells, nash equilibrium, OFDDMA system, interference.
A. O. Akinlabi, B. S. Paul, M. Joseph, and H. C. Ferreira are with the Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technology Department, University of Johannesburg, Johannesburg, South Africa, SA (e-mail: akinlabiakindeji@gmail.com).
Cite:O. A. Akinlabi, B. S. Paul, M. Joseph, and H. C. Ferreira, "A Pricing Policy to Mitigate Interference Management in Femtocell Network," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 181-186, 2015.