Abstract—The demand for quality in software applications has grown, and awareness of software testing-related issues plays an important role. In research, we formulate the Automated Test Case of Unit Testing design metrics from acollection of internal testing design metrics that are correlated. In this paper the test case design metrics estimation is based on object oriented software design metrics determine the testability of test case in Test Driven Development approach. The estimation of the Automated Test Case for Unit Testing(ATCUT) design metrics, measures that quantify attributes of a test case design, that can be measured by the size, complexity and reusability of test case and testability of its product.
Index Terms—ATCUT, Metrics, TDD, Test Case.
Divya Prakash Shrivastav, Asst. Professor, Department of Computer Science, El Gabal El Garbi University, Nalut, LIBYA (Mob-00218-922913965, email: dp_shrivastava@yahoo.com).
Prof. R. C. JAIN, Head of Computer Science and Application, Director Samrat Ashoka Technological Institute of Technology, Vidisha (M.P.), INDIA (e-mai: jain_rc@ymail.com).
Cite: Divya Prakash Shrivastava and R. C. Jain, "Metrics for Test Case Design in Test Driven Development," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 952-956, 2010.
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