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IJCTE 2016 Vol.8(4): 336-342 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2016.V8.1068

Evaluation Model of the Visual Fatigue on the 3D Stereoscopic Video

Gil-Ja So, Sang-Hyun Kim, and Jeong-Yeop Kim

Abstract—We propose content dependent factors to be an argument of evaluation model of visual fatigue. The content factors we choose are the strength and size of the excessive disparity range, the complexity of the background objects, the variation of the motion-depth, the contrast of the objects in the scene. We verify that these factors have a relationship with visual fatigue through the experiment and suggest methods to extract the degree of these factors automatically.

Index Terms—Content based fatigue factors, evaluation model of fatigue, stereoscopy, depth discontinuity, excessive disparity, fatigue of color.

Gil-Ja So is with the Department of Cyber Police and Science, University of Young-San, 288 Junam-ro, Yangsan-si Kyungsangnam-do 626-790, Korea (e-mail:
Sang-Hyun Kim is with the Department of Computer Engineering, University of Young-San, 288 Junam-ro, Yangsan-si Kyungsangnam-do 626-790, Korea (e-mail:
Jeong-Yeop Kim is with University of Young-San, 99 Pilbong-gil Haeundae-Gu, Busan, 612-743, Korea (e-mail:


Cite:Gil-Ja So, Sang-Hyun Kim, and Jeong-Yeop Kim, "Evaluation Model of the Visual Fatigue on the 3D Stereoscopic Video," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 336-342, 2016.

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