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IJCTE 2014 Vol.6(5): 377-381 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2014.V6.893

Optimal Placement of Unified Power Flow Controller for Minimization of Power Transmission Line Losses

Sreerama Kumar R., Ibrahim M. Jomoah, and Abdullah Omar Bafail

Abstract—This paper proposes the application of genetic algorithm for the determination of the optimal placement of unified power flow controller (UPFC) in a power system so as to minimize the system losses and enhance the voltage profile. The method can identify the line in which the UPFC can be located. UPFC is represented as a decoupled synchronous voltage source model in the conventional Newton-Raphson load flow NRLF algorithm. The method of interface of the UPFC model with the NRLF algorithm is based on the fact that the insertion of UPFC in a transmission line is equivalent to adding a new PQ bus in the system, and hence the real and reactive power mismatches corresponding to this bus are computed after appropriately modifying the line and bus data. The genetic algorithm proceeds with an initial randomly generated population. The effectiveness of each of the individuals in the population is evaluated on the basis of a fitness function defined to reflect the effect of the real power losses in the system. Preliminary investigations indicate the effectiveness of this approach in minimizing the transmission line losses and the enhancement of the voltage profile.

Index Terms—Genetic algorithm, loss minimization, power system steady state simulation, UPFC model interface.

The authors are with the Vice Presidency for Projects, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, P.O. Box: 80200, Jeddah 21589, Saudi Arabia (e-mail: {skramdas, ijomaah, abafail}


Cite:Sreerama Kumar R., Ibrahim M. Jomoah, and Abdullah Omar Bafail, "Optimal Placement of Unified Power Flow Controller for Minimization of Power Transmission Line Losses," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 377-381, 2014.

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