Abstract—In this paper we present two implementations of
event-driven algorithms for simulating molecular dynamics
using the Omnet++ Simulation Framework and its Future
Event Set (FES) implementation. The first one uses a cell-linked
list algorithm. The second one extends the cell-linked list
algorithm incorporating a Verlet neighbor list algorithm. We
also present results and compare both algorithms over a set of
different scenarios. Finally, we discuss the advantages of using
the Omnet++ Simulation Framework and the implemented
algorithm for simulating cell-signaling communications.
Index Terms—Event-driven, molecular dynamics, Omnet++,
particle system.
D. Huertas is with the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona,
Spain (e-mail: huertas.dani@gmail.com).
A. Rojas is with the Telematics Engineering (ENTEL) Department,
Barcelona Telecommunication Engineering Technical School (ETSETB),
Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC), Barcelona, Spain (e-mail:
Cite:Daniel Huertas González and Alfonso Rojas Espinosa, "Simulation of Cell Signaling Communications Using Event-Driven Algorithms," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 6, no. 4, pp. 307-312, 2014.