Abstract—This paper proposes a new method to find
plagiarisms with evidence among a set of student programs that
are submitted for programming assignments in elementary
Java programming courses. In such an assignment, each
student program tends to be similar to others because it is small
and structurally simple. Existing plagiarism detection methods
are not useful and yield many false-positive errors. The
proposed method detects plagiarisms with evidence based on
the nature of students who are not accustomed to Java
programming. The evaluation results using real assignments
showed that analyzing white spaces and peculiar patterns in
source codes are very powerful to find plagiarisms with reliable
Index Terms—Plagiarism detection, java programming,
n-gram similarity, longest common subsequence.
Ushio Inoue is with the Department of Information and Communication
Engineering, the School of Engineering, Tokyo Denki University, Tokyo,
120-8551 Japan (e-mail: inoue@c.dendai.ac.jp).
Cite:Ushio Inoue, "Finding Plagiarisms with Evidence in Java Programming Courses," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 91-96, 2014.