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IJCTE 2013 Vol.5(4): 735-740 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2013.V5.786

A Study on Problems Faced by the People with Disabilities (PWDs) Using Combined Overlap Block Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (COBFCMS)

A. Praveen Prakash, A. Rajkumar, and N. Jose Parvin Praveena

Abstract—The Imperative reasons for problems faced by the people with Disabilities (PWDs) using combined overlap block fuzzy cognitive maps (COBFCMS) defined by W.B Vasantha Kandasamy is analyzed in this paper. The combined overlap block FCM’s defined in this method become effective when the number of concepts can be grouped and are large in numbers. In this paper we analyzed the problems and are large in number. In this paper we analyzed the problem and find out the reasons how it has happened to people. This paper has six sections, first section gives the information about development of fuzzy cognitive maps, second section gives preliminaries of fuzzy cognitive maps, and combined overlap block fuzzy cognitive maps, in section three we explain about the problem faced by PWDs, in section four we explain the method of determining their hidden pattern, in section five, we give the concept of the problem, final section gives the conclusion based on our studies.

Index Terms—FCMS, COBFCMS, disablity.

A. Praveen Prakash and A. Rajkumar are with the Hindustan University, Padur, chennai 603103, India (e-mail:
N. Jose Parvin Praveena is with the K.C.G College of Technology, Chennai, India.


Cite:A. Praveen Prakash, A. Rajkumar, and N. Jose Parvin Praveena, "A Study on Problems Faced by the People with Disabilities (PWDs) Using Combined Overlap Block Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (COBFCMS)," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 735-740, 2013.

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