Abstract—The results presented in this paper follow the author’s research work in the heterogeneous random databases field. This particular type of database involves columns whose values are distributed according to different probability distributions. Usually, the data stored in a random database are likely to be uncertain, so that the operations on these data have to be modified in order to consider approximations. In this paper, we present the research which led us to the Poisson estimation of the probability distribution of the cardinality of the result set of the approximate join operation. Then, we will approach the distribution of the cardinalities values of the result set of a ε-join operation by the means of a homogeneous bidimensional Poisson process. In this context, we will prove that the cardinalities follow this type of stochastic process. Thus, the algorithms for the simulation of the Poisson bidimensional process can be applied in the simulation of the cardinalities values of the approximate join’s result sets.
Index Terms—Poisson distribution, poisson bidimensional stochastic process, random database, approximate join, simulation.
Letiţia Velcescu is with the Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Bucharest, Romania (e-mail: letitia@ fmi.unibuc.ro).
Cite:Letiţia Velcescu, "A Bidimensional Poisson Stochastic Process Perspective of the Result Sets Cardinalities in Random Database Queries," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 741-744, 2013.