Abstract—As the world scenario has been witnessing different types of natural catastrophes, loss of human life, destruction of sustenance, people have grown cold and have lost hope. In an attempt to revive this lost faith, this paper studies the survey done on Individual Faith as identified from various incidences in the Holy Bible. Fuzzy Clustering which enables classification of data elements into different clusters based on varying degrees of a selected character was the selected methodology. Applying this, the events or data elements were grouped into various clusters based on varying degrees of Faith, on a scale from one to ten, i.e., High, Moderate and Low cluster groups supported by expert opinion on each category. Since clustering algorithms are useful in situations where little prior knowledge exists, this concept was applied to make a quantitative comparison of various degrees of faith.
Index Terms—Clustering algorithms, lost faith, degrees of faith, Unsupervised, Bible.
A. Victor Devadoss is with the Loyola College Nugabakkam Chennai-600034, India (grace238@gmail.com).
A. Rajkumar and J. Jayalatha are with the Hindustan University, Padur, chennai 603103, India (arajkumar@hindustanuniv.ac.in, jayalatha@hindustanuniv.ac.in).
Cite:A. Victor Devadoss, A. Rajkumar, and C. Jayalatha, "Analysis of Individual Faith through Holy Bible Using Fuzzy Clustering," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 731-734, 2013.