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IJCTE 2013 Vol.5(4): 721-725 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2013.V5.783

Advanced Algorithms for Etching Simulation of 3D MEMS-Tunable Lasers

A. El Boukili

Abstract—The integrated circuits (ICs) industry uses a number of technology computer aided design (TCAD) software tools to simulate the manufacturing and the operation of many ICs at different levels. At very low level, the simulation tools are used to simulate the device fabrication and design. These simulation tools are based on solving mathematical equations that describe the physics of doping diffusion, silicon oxidation, etching, deposition, lithography, implantation, and metallization. The simulation of physical etching solves etching equations to calculate the etching rate. And this rate is used to move the geometry of the device. The simulation of non-physical (geometrical) etching is based on geometrical Boolean operations. In this paper, we are proposing new and advanced geometrical etching algorithms for the process simulation of three dimensional (3D) micro electro mechanical systems (MEMS) and MEMS-tunable vertical cavity semiconductor optical amplifiers (VCSOAs). These algorithms are based on advanced domain decomposition methods, Delaunay meshing algorithms, and surface re-meshing and smoothing techniques. These algorithms are simple, robust, and significantly reduce the overall run time of the process simulation of 3D MEMS and MEMS-tunable laser devices. The description of the proposed etching algorithms will be presented. Numerical simulation results showing the performances of these algorithms will be given and analyzed for realistic 3D MEMS and MEMS-tunable laser devices.

Index Terms—Advanced etching algorithms, domain decomposition, MEMS-tunable optical amplifiers, process simulation.

A. El Boukili is with the Al Akhawayn University, P.O. Box 104, Avenue Hassan II, Ifrane 53000 Morocco (e-mail: a.elboukili@


Cite:A. El Boukili, "Advanced Algorithms for Etching Simulation of 3D MEMS-Tunable Lasers," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 721-725, 2013.

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