Abstract—The position of objects, the characteristics of the world in the content, the movement of objects, the color of object have to be considered to test viewer fatigue in the stereoscopic content. We studied what elements of the content can be factors which cause fatigue to viewer. We divide these factors into two groups, spatial or temporal factors and suggest the component for the tool testing viewer fatigue caused by stereoscopic contents.
Index Terms—Human fatigue for the stereoscopic contents, stereoscopy, OGRE 3D, tool of testing viewer fatigue.
Gil-Ja So is with the Department of Cyber Police and Science, University of Young-San, 288 Junam-ro, Yangsan-siKyungsangnam-do 626-790, Korea (e-mail: kjso@ysu.ac.kr).
Sang-Hyun Kim is with the Department of Computer Engineering, University of Young-San, 288 Junam-ro,Yangsan-siKyungsangnam-do 626-790, Korea (e-mail: ksh50@ysu.ac.kr).
Jeong-Yeop Kim is with the Department of Game Contents, University of Young-San, 99 Pilbong-gilHaeundae-Gu, Busan, 612-743, Korea (e-mail: neocopy@ysu.ac.kr).
Cite:Gil Ja So, Sang Hyun Kim, and Jeong Yeop Kim, "A Study of Testing Tools for the Fatigue Caused by the Stereoscopic Video Considering Temporal and Spatial Characteristics," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 712-715, 2013.