Abstract—This research is a study of using genetic algorithms through Conway’s game of life to solve the problem on Lanna character recognition. Pattern recognition can be defined as the objects identification on the basis of information available about it. The problem on character recognition has been discussed to find out the best solution and various recognition methods have been implemented. One of the proposed methods is genetic algorithm which used in many application areas such as image processing, pattern recognition and machine learning. Genetic algorithms are powerful search techniques that applied natural selection and genetic operators to find the best result. Based on the survey of related research, this research is provided to investigate the possibility of using genetic algorithms on Lanna character recognition. The proposed framework consists of three modules: data preparation, training by using genetic algorithms and recognition. The experiments are carried on 1,200 Lanna characters, which randomly selected from documents written in Lanna language. The system performs the number of match 1,142 characters or 95.15%, while mismatch 27 characters or 2.25% and rejecting 31 characters or 2.58%.
Index Terms—Genetic algorithms, conway’s game of life, lanna character, pattern recognition.
K. Khankasikam is with the Field of Computer and Information Technology, Department of Applied Science, Faculty of Science and Technology, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, Muang Nakhon Sawan, 60000, Thailand (phone: +66-81688-0066; e-mail: KrisdaK@gmail.com).
Cite:Krisda Khankasikam, "A Combined Genetic Algorithm and Conway’s Game of Life for Printed Lanna Character Recognition," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 653-657, 2013.