Abstract—The objective of this work is to reduce energy consumption of source programs written in C. The underlying technique employs code transformation which focuses on cohesion. Four classes of transformations will be considered: function, loop optimization, control structure, and operator. Code transformation is evaluated by effectiveness, efficiency, space complexity, number of instructions executed, number of pages, size of memory page allocated, and energy consumption. The results suggest that different cohesion level will affect the energy consumption. Moreover, different types of source code yield different energy consumptions based on cohesion measures.
Index Terms—Cohesion, energy consumption, code transformation.
The authors are with the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Faculty of Science, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok 10330 Thailand (e-mail: kuad43@gmail.com, peraphon.s@chula.ac.th).
Cite:Nattachart Ia-Manee and Peraphon Sophatsathit, "Reducing Engergy Consumption in Programs Using Cohesion Technique," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 621-625, 2013.