Abstract—Now the system can be called as system of system. The system consists of several sub systems. At the same time, the system has ability that can change their behavior according to the operational environment or their running state. The DoDAF is an architecture framework for United States Department of Defense. It is a challenge for extending the DoDAF and design the self-adaptive system architecture. This paper focuses on the self-adaptive theory and self-adaptive system architecture modeling.
Index Terms—Self-adaptive, modeling, system architecture, operational environment
Guanyue Gao is with the Beihang University, Beijing. He is now with the School of Computer Science and Engineering (e-mail: gaoguanyue@ gmail.com).
Feng Liu was with the Beihang University, Beijing (e-mail: StevenLiu100@163.com).
Cite:Guanyue Gao and Feng Liu, "Self-Adaptive System Architecture Modeling Based on DoDAF," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 538-542, 2013.