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IJCTE 2013 Vol.5(3): 533-537 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2013.V5.744

Context-Aware Role Based Access Control Using User Relationship

Kangsoo Jung and Seog Park

Abstract—Role-based access control is widely used in modern enterprise systems because it is adequate for reflecting the functional hierarchy in various organizations’ for access control model. However, environmental changes, such as the increasing usage of mobile devices, make several challenges. Our research suggests a relationship-based access control model that considers the relation with surrounding users in organization. Relation is significant context information but it is not considered in existing access control models. The proposed technique is different from that in traditional research in two ways. First, we regard the relationship among employee’s as contextual information. As a result, the administrator can manage fine-grained access control for cooperative work in an organization. Second, we design access control architecture using NFC technique to deal with usability and security problems. Moreover, we propose a protocol for enforcing the suggested access control model in real world. We report performance analysis and security evaluation

Index Terms—Access control, context-aware, relationship-based, Security.

Kangsoo Jung and Seog Park are with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Sogang University (e-mail:


Cite:Kangsoo Jung and Seog Park, "Context-Aware Role Based Access Control Using User Relationship," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 533-537, 2013.

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