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IJCTE 2012 Vol.4(2): 251-258 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2012.V4.461

Fuzzy Based Refactoring Cost Resembler (FRCR) Modelfor Object Oriented Systems

Ankit Desai and Amit Ganatra

Abstract—Successful software systems must be prepared to evolve or they will die. Although object-oriented software systems are built to last, over time they degrade as much as any legacy software system. As a consequence, one may identify various reengineering patterns that capture best practice in reverse- and re-engineering object-oriented legacy systems. Software re-engineering is concerned with re-implementing older systems to improve them or make them more maintainable, while Refactoring is re-engineering with-in an Object-Oriented context. In this paper, given object-oriented refactoring opportunities, the cost of refactoring is resembled using FRCR. The opportunities are class misuse, violation of the principle of encapsulation, lack of use of inheritance concept, misuse of inheritance, misplaced polymorphism.

Index Terms—Fuzzy, FRCR, refactoring.

Ankit B. Desai is with the M. Tech (Computer Engineering) at Dhramsinh Desai University, Nadiad and Assistant Professor at Charotar University of Science Technology (CHARUSAT), Education Campus, Changa, Gujarat, India (e-mail:
Amit P. Ganatra is with the Charotar University of Science Technology (CHARUSAT), Education Campus, Changa, Gujarat, India (e-mail:


Cite: Ankit Desai and Amit Ganatra, "Fuzzy Based Refactoring Cost Resembler (FRCR) Modelfor Object Oriented Systems," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 4, no. 2, pp.  251-258, 2012.

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