Abstract—Abstract—The efficiency of processing queries in an embedded database is critical for the system performance. The principal mechanism through which an embedded database maintains an optimal level of performance is the database query optimizer. It reduces the response time of a given query and the total time of processing queries. Nevertheless, because of the optimizer’s importance to the robustness and flexibility of an embedded database, we outline the embedded database query optimization by generating an optimal query processing plan. In this paper, an approach is presented which is able to generate an optimal query processing plans for a given user query. The approach uses dynamic programming to determine optimal query plans for a given query.
Index Terms—Index Terms—Embedded databases system, optimization, query plan, query cost.
B. Selmi is with the National Engineering School of Manouba, Manouba University, Tunisia (e-mail: boubaker.selmi@hotmail.fr).
H. Gharsellaoui was with National Engineering School of Carthage, Carthage University, Tunisia (e-mail: gharsellaoui.hamza@gmail.com).
S. Bouamama is with FCIT, University of Jeddah, KSA, National Engineering School of Manouba, Manouba University, Tunisia (e-mail: Sbouamama@uj.edu.sa).
Cite:B. Selmi, H. Gharsellaoui, and S. Bouamama, "Embedded Database Query Processing Plan Generation Using Dynamic Programming," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 329-333, 2017.