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IJCTE 2017 Vol.9(4): 277-280 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2017.V9.1151

Improving Performance and Reliability of Solid State Disk by Exploiting the Trade-Off between Heterogeneous

Ahmed Izzat Alsalibi, Putra Sumari, and Moh’d Khaled Yousef Shambour

Abstract—Abstract—As a novel storage technology, SSD provide efficient features and challenges. The physical semiconductor characteristics of SSD result into high performance, power consumption, light size, shock resistance, and low noise. With all the benefits of SSD, replacing the conventional HDD drives with pure SSD may not be an efficient option for large-scale storage systems. This is mainly due to many disadvantages of SSD e.g. limited lifespan, small density, and high cost. Thus, a more practical solution is to use hybrid SSD (i.e., SSD consisting of SLC, MLC, and TLC) in hierarchy of storage system, such that the features of this technology are best utilized. In this research, an efficient scheme was proposed. The prosed scheme called Cost, Performance, and Reliability Concern Scheme (CPRCS) for hybrid SSD. CPRCS aim to exploit the trade-off between performance, reliability, cost, density, and power consumption. The eligibility of the CPRCS was proved by using widely used SSD simulation tools: the DiskSim and SSD extension from Microsoft. The results reveal that the proposed scheme is very competitive to state-of-the-art schemes in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.

Index Terms—Index Terms—Hybrid solid state disk, flash memory, performance, reliability.

A. I. Alsalibi, P. Sumari are with the School of Computer Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Pulau Penang 11800, Malaysia (e-mail: ahmed.salibi@, M. Kh. Shambour is with the Umm Al-Qura University, Mecca, Saudi Arabia (e-mail:


Cite:Ahmed Izzat Alsalibi, Putra Sumari, and Moh’d Khaled Yousef Shambour, "Improving Performance and Reliability of Solid State Disk by Exploiting the Trade-Off between Heterogeneous," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 277-280, 2017.

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