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IJCTE 2016 Vol.8(6): 490-494 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2016.V8.1094

Concept Similarity Searching for Support Query Rewriting

Detty Purnamasari, Lily Wulandari, Ahmad Muhammad Thantawi, and I Wayan Simri Wicaksana

Abstract—Internet search engines are used for the search process by entering the keywords/query. Search performed by the user information by using keywords/query is usually a string of words/concepts (sentences), and search engines provide results do not necessarily match those in intent by users. Keywords/query that used by the user to the search process can be developed into a new query using query rewriting. Query rewriting is a way to generate new queries and has a similar meaning to the keyword used in the initial query, and the results are given in the search engines to find information closer to the user's taste. Query rewriting can be done using the following steps: i). extraction query into word/concept, ii). search for word concepts similarity, iii). Preparation of a new query from the concept similarity (query rewriting). In this article, the approach is developed to search the concept similarity in the second phase of the process of query rewriting is performed after extraction queries. Phase of extraction query is to break the query into a word/concept. Queries used in this approach is the query in Indonesian. The illustrations in this article are given to provide a clear picture of the approach in the search for equivalence concepts to support query rewriting.

Index Terms—Concept similarity, information searching in internet, search engine, query rewriting.

Detty Purnamasari and Lily Wulandari are with the Department of Information System, Gunadarma University. Jl. Margonda Raya No. 100 Pondok Cina Depok, Indonesia (e-mail:,
Ahmad Muhammad Thantawi is with the Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Persada Indonesia YAI-Jakarta, Indonesia (e-mail:
I Wayan Simri Wicaksana is with the Department of Information Technology, Gunadarma University. Jl. Margonda Raya No. 100 Pondok Cina Depok, Indonesia (e-mail:


Cite:Detty Purnamasari, Lily Wulandari, Ahmad Muhammad Thantawi, and I Wayan Simri Wicaksana, "Concept Similarity Searching for Support Query Rewriting," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 490-494, 2016.

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