Abstract—This paper aims to present the design of the Grid Collaborative Framework which has been proposed in one of our previous work. Grid infrastructure for resources sharing is somewhat stable with the wide acceptance of the Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA) and Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF), but Grid framework for collaboration is far from desired. Current Grid Collaborative Frameworks (GCFs) are domain specific and lack of plan-supported capability. These limitations make them less useful and narrow in scope of application. Our grid collaborative framework aims to improve these limitations. With the theoretical foundation based on the activity theory, workflow languages, and designed on top of existing OGSA infrastructure, our proposed framework aims at accelerating the development of grid collaborative systems that consider work plans as central role.
Index Terms—Activity theory, grid computing, grid collaborative framework, workflow language.
Binh T. Nguyen and Duc H. Nguyen are with the Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Dai Co Viet St., Vietnam (e-mail: binh.nguyenthanh2@hust.edu.vn, duc.nguyenhuu@hust.edu.vn).
Thuy T. Nguyen is with the Hanoi University of Engineering and Technology (e-mail: nguyenthanhthuy@vnu.edu.vn).
Doan B. Hoang is with the School of Computing and Communications, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) (e-mail: dhoang@it.uts.edu.vn).
Cite:Binh Thanh Nguyen, Duc Huu Nguyen, Thuy Thanh Nguyen, and Doan Bang Hoang, "Design of a Workflow-Based Grid Framework," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 14-23, 2016.