Abstract—This study explores the tools and materials used in
personal learning environment (PLE) by investigating the
impact of embedding a mashup technology into learning
environment. With Web 2.0 technologies, mashing up several
materials into learning repository helps learners to form their
own scope of learning. A PLE mashup model is suggested in
determining suitable tools and materials. Based on the current
trends in Web 2.0, another aspect of PLE that could be further
investigated is the adoption of social media application for
formal higher education level. A study on student perception
shows a positive acceptance towards PLE in their learning
activities. In order to serve as learning tool, how the technology
could be implemented, and its limitation towards efficiency was
Index Terms—Personal learning environment, mashup, web
Nooralisa Mohd Tuah, Dg Senandong Ajor, and Nuraini Jamil are with
the Faculty of Computer and Informatics, University Malaysia Sabah,
Labuan F.T, Malaysia (e-mail: aelise@ums.edu.my, dyg_ajor@ums.edu.my,
Cite:Nooralisa Mohd Tuah, Dg Senandong Ajor, and Nuraini Jamil, "Assistive Tools towards Personal Learning Environment in Higher Education," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 398-401, 2015.