Abstract—This article aims to analyze current usability
questionnaires in terms of their evaluation of utilitarian and
experiential attribute in usability. Supported by item analysis of
questions from 11 usability questionnaires into three categories
of utilitarian, experiential aesthetic and experiential hedonic, a
conceptual review of the questionnaire has pointed out current
trend in usability questionnaire focus more on evaluating
utilitarian aspect of a system. Although more experiential
measurements were derived from recent developed
questionnaires but the focus still remain on judging usability
based on the performance of software. The result of this article
also suggested Usefulness, Satisfaction and Ease of use (USE)
questionnaire which have a fair choice of questions for
measuring system usability based on performance without
neglecting user experience.
Index Terms—Experiential, questionnaire, usability,
Tet Kun Chung is with National University of Malaysia, Bangi, 43600,
Malaysia (e-mail: tetkun@hotmail.com).
Cite: Tet Kun Chung and Noraidah Sahari, "Utilitarian or Experiential? An Analysis of Usability Questionnaires," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 167-171, 2015.