Abstract—Of a multitude of algorithms used for fault
diagnosis and testing of digital circuits, VICTOR stands out
because of its multi-step approach to determine the test vectors
needed for detection of a particular fault. In this paper, we have
presented the procedure used by VICTOR to determine test
patterns for a particular fault, first by hand-calculations and
then with the help of a simulation program developed by us for
this algorithm. The results of our simulation are consistent with
those obtained manually which confirms the veracity and
usefulness of our developed software.
Index Terms—Fault diagnosis, testing, algorithm, digital
circuit, VICTOR.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer
Engineering at Sultan Qaboos University, Oman (e-mail:
tjamil@squ.edu.om, iftaquar@squ.edu.om).
Cite: Tariq Jamil and Iftaquaruddin Mohammed, "Simulation of VICTOR Algorithm for Fault-Diagnosis of Digital Circuits," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 103-107, 2015.