Abstract—Many applications in the smart grid generate
packets with small data payload and may lead to low channel
efficiency. In addition, some types of information exchanging
from the smart meters to the control center is useful only within
the predefined delay constraint. Hence, given that the
concentrators are assigned a fixed amount of bandwidth, the
maximal number of nodes that the smart grid wireless backhaul
can support without violating their delay constraints becomes
an important topic. In this study, we proposed to employ a
deadline ordered scheduler with packet concatenation and
obtained the call admission control (CAC) to resolve these two
issues. The performance of this novel design were demonstrated
via analytical and simulation results. It is shown that the
proposed scheduler with packet concatenation significantly
improves the capacity of the smart grid wireless backhaul.
Index Terms—Smart grid, wireless backhaul, deadline
ordered scheduler, packet concatenation, call admission
control, delay guarantees.
The authors are with the Graduate Institute of Communication
Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan (e-mail:
tingchulee@gmail.com, ztsai@ntu.edu.tw).
Cite: Ting-Chu Lee and Zsehong Tsai, "Improving Capacity of Smart Grid Wireless Backhauls with Deadline Ordered Scheduler and Packet Concatenation," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 86-91, 2015.