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Article Metrics in Dimensions

IJCTE 2014 Vol.6(2): 102-106 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2014.V6.845

Semi-Automated Shoreline Extraction in Satellite Imagery and Usage of Fractals as Performance Evaluator

Sinan O. Altinuc, Ali S. Keceli, and Ebru A. Sezer

Abstract—Analysis of shoreline detection has importance in many investigations undertaken by coastal zone and coastal management studies. These studies require tracking changes in shorelines to reach many objectives such as detecting erosion and land mass movements, discriminating land and sea and etc. At the same time shorelines are important features to display dynamic nature of Earth’s surface.
In this paper a novel shoreline extraction method and use of fractals as a performance evaluator are proposed. As a first step of shore line extraction, blurring is done on shoreline image to reduce noise. Then variance map calculation and thresholding are applied. In second stage, a series of morphological binary image processing techniques are performed. After user feedback, boundary of the resulting connected component is extracted. Performance evaluation of the proposed method is done by using fractal values. Evaluation is done by matching calculating fractal values of extracted lines and fractal values of handrawn shorelines. A high correlation has been seen between fractal values of computed and handrawn shorelines.Considering the ability of fractal geometry to express natural entities, fractal dimension is contributed as a performance metric.

Index Terms—Shoreline extraction, fractal, performance evaluation, image processing.

The authors are with the Computer Engineering Department of Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey (e-mail: sinanonur, aliseydi.keceli@hacettepe. edu. tr,


Cite:Sinan O. Altinuc, Ali S. Keceli, and Ebru A. Sezer, "Semi-Automated Shoreline Extraction in Satellite Imagery and Usage of Fractals as Performance Evaluator," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 102-106, 2014.

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