Abstract—The arabic language is different from Western languages especially at the morphology and spelling variations. Indeed, the performance of information retrieval systems in the arabic language is still problematic. For this reason, we are interested in studying the performance of search engines which is the most famous between 2006 and 2010, on a corpus of a thousand arabic documents. We found that morphological analysis is not taken in consideration in these engines. Morphological analysis of an arabic word is to identify its morphemes, its affixes, its model and its root.
Index Terms—Search engine, information retrieval, arabic information extraction, Google desktop, corpus.
Abd El Salam Al Hajjar, Mohammad Hajjar, and George Lebbos are with the Lebanese University, University Institute of technology, Sidon, Lebanon (e-mail: abdsalamhajjar@hotmail.com).
Khaldoun Zreik is with Hypermedia Department, University Paris 8.
Cite:A. H ajjar , M . H ajjar , G . Lebbos , K. Zreik , and M. El-Sayed, "Performances of the Most Popular Search Engines in Arabic Language," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 4-8, 2014.