Abstract—Real-time disk scheduling (RTDS) plays an important role in time-critical applications. The main idea in real time database system is that the correctness of the system depends not only on the logical results of the computations but also on the time at which the results are produced. Due to rigorous timing requirements for error free output, data must be accessed under real-time constraints. Therefore how to maximize data throughput under real-time constraints poses a big challenge in the design of real-time disk scheduling algorithms. Numbers of algorithms are proposed to schedule real time transactions in order to increase the overall performance. Currently Earliest-Deadline-First (EDF) is a basic algorithm which meets the real time constraints, but it gives poor disk throughput. Scan-EDF work only for those transactions which are having same deadline. In 2006 g-EDF algorithm has been proposed which works after making groups for transaction having close deadlines. In groups it apply SJF algorithm. We also propose a new algorithm “FEASIBLE GROUP-EDF” that works both in under load and overload conditions as well as show better throughput than earliest mentioned algorithms. It also makes groups and applies SSTF algorithm as well as check feasibility of transaction.
Index Terms—EDF, SCAN-EDF, G-EDF, SJF, SSTF, realtime, overloaded.
S. Y. Amdani is with Department of CSE, BNCOE, Pusad, India (email: salimamdani@yahoo.com). M. S. Ali is with P. R. M. C. E. & M, Badnera, India (e-mail: softalis@gmail.com).
Cite:S. Y. Amdani and M. S. Ali, "An Improved Group-EDF: A Real-Time Disk Scheduling Algorithm," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 5, no. 6, pp. 873-876, 2013.