Abstract—This paper reports the results of applying discrete event simulation on firefighting operations in the State of Kuwait. The objective was reduce response times to reach fires in all districts to below five minutes. The Simulation of output runs were analyzed using ANOVA. The results were validated at 95% confidence level. Simulation turned to be an excellent tool for testing a major change without disturbing firefighting operations.
Index Terms—Firefighting, response time, simulation ANOVA.
The authors are with the Department of Industrial & Management Systems Engineering, Kuwait University, Safat 13060 Kuwait (e-mail: e.aleisa@ ku.edu.kw, mehmet@kuniv.edu.kw).
Cite:Esra Aleisa and Mehmet Savsar, "Modeling of Firefighting Operations through Discrete Event Simulation," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 678-682, 2013.