Abstract—We are proposing an efficient admission control policy for Video-on-Demand (VOD) system. Traditional Admission control system uses either threshold or resource capacity to accept or reject any incoming request. The distinction of the proposed scheme from the previous work includes: (1) a new concept of integrating the both schemes (shared resource admission control and class base admission control) into one system, is introduced (2) another new concept of Probability, is introduced to access the shared resource (Ports, Bandwidth). In the proposed system, total capacity of VOD server (ports) is partitioned equal to the number of classes plus shared area. When a request arrives at VOD server, it will be admitted if there is capacity to its corresponding partition, otherwise we will check the capacity of shared area and admit it with some probability. If there is no capacity in shared area or no probability, the request will be rejected. The evaluation of the proposed system is done by the simulation model. Numbers of blocked requests are calculated for performance measure. It is observed from the simulation results that proposed admission control policy not only improves the performance of high-priority classes but also reduces a lot the total number of rejected requests.
Index Terms—Admission control, blocking probability, quality of service, video on demand, IPTV, multimedia communication.
The authors are with the College of Computer and Information Sciences, Computer Engineering Department, King Saud University, Saudi Arabia (e-mail: swakeel@ksu.edu.sa , amuhammad@ksu.edu.sa).
Cite:Sami S. Alwakeel and Muhammad Ammad-Uddin, "Class Based and Shared Resources Access Control for Distributed Video-on-Demand System," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 641-644, 2013.