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IJCTE 2013 Vol.5(3): 494-499 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2013.V5.736

Improving Bit-Vector Representation of Points-To Sets Using Class Hierarchy

Hamid A. Toussi and Ahmed Khademzadeh

Abstract—Points-to analysis is the problem of approximating run-time values of pointers statically or at compile-time. Points-to sets are used to store the approximated values of pointers during points-to analysis. Memory usage and running time limit the ability of points-to analysis to analyze large programs. To our knowledge, works which have implemented a bit-vector representation of points-to sets so far, allocates bits for each pointer without considering pointer’s type. By considering the type, we are able to allocate bits only for a subset of all abstract objects which are of compatible type with the pointer’s type and as a consequence improve the memory usage and running time. To achieve this goal, we number abstract objects in a way that all the abstract objects of a type and all of its sub-types are consecutive in order. Our most efficient implementation uses about 2.5× less memory than hybrid points-to set (default points-to set in Spark) and also improves the analysis time for sufficiently large programs.

Index Terms—Programming languages, points-to analysis, points-to sets, data structures, bit-vectors, class hierarchy, Java.

Hamid A. Toussi is with the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Sistan and Baluchestan, Zahedan, Iran (e-mail:
Ahmed Khademzadeh was with the Department of Computer Engineering, Islamic Azad University, Mashhad, Iran. He is now a PhD student and member of the biocomplex lab at Florida Institute of Technology, Florida, USA (e-mail:


Cite:Hamid A. Toussi and Ahmed Khademzadeh, "Improving Bit-Vector Representation of Points-To Sets Using Class Hierarchy," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 494-499, 2013.

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