Abstract—Today search engines are becoming necessity of most of the people in day to day life for navigation on internet or for finding anything. Search engine answer millions of queries every day. Whatever comes in our mind, we just enter the keyword or combination of keywords to trigger the search and get relevant result in seconds without knowing the technology behind it. I searched for “search engine” (I intentionally mis-spelled it) and it returned 68,900 results. In addition with this, the engine returned some sponsored results across the side of the page, as well as some spelling suggestion. All in 0.36 seconds. And for popular queries the engine is even faster. For example, searches for World Cup or dance shows (both recent events) took less than .2 seconds each. To engineer a search engine is a challenging task. In this paper, we present Google, most popular search engine, and in-depth description of methods and techniques that the Google uses in searching. Different search engines use different techniques for searching and algorithm to rank the pages. At the end of the paper, We compare major search engines such as Google, Yahoo, Msn etc.
Index Terms—Google, yahoo, msn, internet, world wide web.
K. K. Lavania, S. Jain, and M. K. Gupta are with the Department of Information Technology, Arya Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur, India (e-mail: k@lavania.in, sapna_sona1990@yahoo.com, madhur.neelesh@gmail.com).
N. Sharma is with the Department of Computer Science Engineering, Sir Chotu Ram Institute of Engineering and Technology, Meerut, India (e-mail: nicy.sharma1991@gmail.com).
Cite: Krishan Kant Lavania, Sapna Jain, Madhur Kumar Gupta, and Nicy Sharma, "Google: A Case Study (Web Searching and Crawling),"
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 337-340, 2013.