Abstract—In this paper, the design of a circular corrugated horn antenna is presented for low sidelobe-level. The basic requirement of this design is compactness. Therefore, we use corrugated Gaussian profiled horn antennas to improve the size and sidelobe level simultaneously. Because of compact design of this horn, it is not expected to have a good symmetry in E and H planes. The obtained radiation patterns are sufficient for desired applications. The proposed corrugated antenna has a longitudinal section composed of a normal corrugated horn, some straight corrugations, and a Gaussian profile to complete transition between waveguide and the free space.
Index Terms—Corrugated horn, compactness, gaussian profiled, sidelobe-level.
T. Salimi is with the Communication Engineering Department, Space Research center of Iran, Tehran, Iran (e-mail: salimitohid@gmail.com)
A. Maghoul is with the EMC department in space research center of Iran, Tehran, Iran (e-mail: amir.maghoul@yahoo.com).
A. A. Abbasi is with the Antenna Department, Space Research center of Iran, Tehran, Iran (e-mail: aaaara@yahoo.com)
Cite: A. A. Abbasi is with the Antenna Department, Space Research center of Iran, Tehran, Iran (e-mail: aaaara@yahoo.com), "Design of a Compact Gaussian Profiled Corrugated Horn Antenna for Low Sidelobe-Level Applications,"
International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 223-226, 2013.