Abstract—This paper designs a visual system and introduces an asynchronous mechanism based on message subscription, we can easily combine web services asynchronously or synchronously and publish them quickly. Besides, we also transform ordinary log content into event objects to simplify log analysis, integrate Swagger framework to maximize the ease of publishing composite services and deploy multiple system instances with Docker to solve the performance bottleneck problem in stand-alone deployment.
Index Terms—Web service, service composition, visualization, asynchronously.
Haihong E, Yimin Lin, Meina Song, Xiangyu Xu, and Chengcheng Zhang are with the School of Computer Science, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing 100876, China (e-mail: ehaihong@bupt.edu.cn, linyimin520812@gmail.com, mnsong@bupt.edu.cn, xuxiangyu_bupt@foxmail.com sweetzcc@163.com).
Cite:Haihong E, Yimin Lin, Meina Song, Xiangyu Xu, and Chengcheng Zhang, "A Distributed Visualization Service Composition System," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 66-71, 2019.