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IJCTE 2012 Vol.4(2): 297-301 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2012.V4.469

A Robust Visual Cryptography Technique for Photographic Grayscale Images Using Block Optimization and Blind Invisible Watermarking

Ayan Banerjee and Sreya Banerjee

Abstract—In this paper, we have proposed a new approach for Visual Cryptography of Photographic Grayscale images. Also we have addressed the issue of preventing cheating attacks in the proposed Visual Cryptography Scheme by invisibly watermarking the shares onto Host Images. This scheme not only provides Authentication for the VC shares but also makes these secret shares invisible by embedding them into not so significant Host images. Experimental results show that the proposed method is secure from attacks such as filtering, JPEG compression and fake share creation. The proposed method give high quality visually recognizable reconstructed images.

Index Terms—Blind invisible watermarking, block preparation, host image, shares, visual cryptography.

The authors are with the Cognizant Technology Solution, Kolkata, India (e-mail:


Cite: Ayan Banerjee and Sreya Banerjee, "A Robust Visual Cryptography Technique for Photographic Grayscale Images Using Block Optimization and Blind Invisible Watermarking," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 297-301, 2012.

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