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IJCTE 2012 Vol.4(2): 278-282 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2012.V4.466

Creating a Fuzzy Model for Stressful Driver’s Behavior

S. Ghaemi, S. Khanmohammadi, M. A. Tinati, and M. A. Badamchizadeh

Abstract—A hierarchical driver_vehicle_environment fuzzy system has been proposed to analyze driver’s behavior under stress conditions on a road. The stressful events can be included the interaction between driver’s vehicle and the road environment or the interaction between driver’s vehicle and nearby vehicles. These driving events may occur simultaneously. For obtaining fuzzy rules, experts’ opinions are benefited by means of questionnaires on effects of parameters such as climate, road and car conditions on driving capabilities. Also the frequency of pressing on brake and gas pedals and the number of car’s direction changes are used to determine the driver’s behavior under different conditions. A fuzzy model is presented for modeling the change of steering angle and speed control by considering time distances with existing cars in these three positions, the information about the speed and direction of car, and the steering angle of car.

Index Terms—Driver’s behavior, stress condition, overtaking, fuzzy hierarchical modeling, decision making.

The Authors are with Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering at University of Tabriz (e-mails: {ghaemi, khan, Tinati,mbadamchi}


Cite: S. Ghaemi, S. Khanmohammadi, M. A. Tinati, and M. A. Badamchizadeh, "Creating a Fuzzy Model for Stressful Driver’s Behavior," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 278-282, 2012.

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