Abstract—Fingerprint verification algorithms need two majors steps; enhancement of image and minutiae extraction. Our approach uses Short Time Fourier Transform (STFT) Analysis to enhance fingerprint. The foreground region mask, local ridge orientation and local frequency are all estimated by STFT algorithm. The novel approach of minutiae extraction is based on the extraction of the map contour of fingerprint and then finding minutiae using the global and local proprieties of contour. We compare our proposed approach with the alternative approach of minutiae extraction and the results show the performance of our technique.
Index Terms—Contour, corner, curvature, MINDTCT,minutiae extraction, NIST, STFT enhancement.
The authors are with faculty of sciences Dhar- El mahraz (FSDM) Fes MORROCO (email: abbadkhalid@gmail.com).
Cite: Abbad Khalid, Tairi Hamid, and Aarab Abdellah, "Minutiae Extraction Based on Propriety of Curvature," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 418-421, 2011.
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