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IJCTE 2011 Vol.3(3): 408-412 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2011.V3.339

Multiple Network Operator Services Utilization Using Single SIM Card

N. Mallikharjuna Rao and P. Seetharam

Abstract—Mobile phones, or cell phones as it is frequently called nowadays, have significantly revolutionized the way people communicate with one another. It has empowered a lot of people and has even made a lot of things possible because of its many features and capabilities. Dual SIM handsets have been around for a few years now. As of now few mobile manufacturers are manufacturing dual/3 SIM card mobiles. China Mobiles are the leading vendors of this type. First time Nokia has released dual SIM card mobiles into market. According to the surveys dual SIM card mobiles are disadvantageous and will stop working any one SIM card holder after certain time. The rapid growth in new Service Providers has made mobile usage so simple. Several providers are bringing SIM cards into market at very cheap cost, some times for even no single rupee. Now days every subscriber is having at least 5 to 10 SIM cards from different providers. In this paper, we proposed MNOS architecture; the proposed system will help multiple SIM card usage subscribers by activating all providers’ services onto a single SIM card.

Index Terms—SIM, Network, IP Address, MT, TRAI

Associate Professor, Dept of MCA, Annamacharya P. G college of Computer Studies, Newboyanapalli, Rajampet and Andhra Pradesh, India. Phone No: +91-9848358648, e-mail:
Systems Engineer, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Newboyanapalli, Rajampet, Andhra Pradesh, India. Phone No: +91-9848133029, e-mail: seetharam.p@gmail


Cite: N. Mallikharjuna Rao and P. Seetharam, "Multiple Network Operator Services Utilization Using Single SIM Card," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 3, no. 3, pp. 408-412, 2011.

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