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IJCTE 2018 Vol.10(3): 84-92 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2018.V10.1204

A Review of the State-of-the-Art Methods for Non-calcified Plaque Detection in Cardiac CT Angiography

Muhammad Moazzam Jawaid, Sanam Narejo, Imran Ali Qureshi, and Nasrullah Pirzada

Abstract—The non-invasive diagnosis for cardiac abnormalities has been turned into a reality in recent years. This is based on the fact that advanced imaging equipment can acquire sub-millimeter details of the internal organs. An important example is the use of state-of-the-art computed tomography (CT) as a substitute of conventional catheterization. It is interesting that calcium-based vascular deposits can be quickly identified in CT; however, non-calcified plaque detection remains a challenging task due to lower intensity values. In this context, a number of methods have been reported for efficient detection and segmentation of non-calcified plaques in recent years. In order to advance the existing knowledge and extend the operational efficiency in this domain, it is extremely important to review the state-of-the-art literature. Accordingly, we present a comprehensive review of non-calcified plaque detection method in this paper presents. We believe that this can serve as a starting point towards productive clinical research in this domain.

Index Terms—Coronary segmentation, non-calcified plaques, plaque detection.

Muhammad Moazzam Jawaid, Sanam Narejo, Imran Ali Qureshi and Nasrullah Pirzada are with the Faculty of Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering, Mehran University, Jamshoro (e-mail:


Cite:Muhammad Moazzam Jawaid, Sanam Narejo, Imran Ali Qureshi, and Nasrullah Pirzada, "A Review of the State-of-the-Art Methods for Non-calcified Plaque Detection in Cardiac CT Angiography," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 84-92, 2018.

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