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IJCTE 2017Vol.9(5): 390-393 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2017.V9.1172

Load Management Model for cloud Computing Using Cloudsim

Priyansh Srivastava, Bhavesh Gohil, and Dhiren Patel

Abstract—Abstract—Cloud computing is an upcoming trend in the field of distributed computing in recent years. In cloud, resources are provided as a service in the form of virtual machines to its clients based on demand, which may result in overutilization or underutilization of servers. Cloud must accommodate changing demands for different types of processing with heterogeneous workloads and time constraints. This can be achieved by making decisions of Virtual Machine (VM) allocation and migration request time at the run time. We have evaluated the Load Management model for cloud computing using CloudSim simulator and compared with the default existing VM-Allocation algorithm. The results depict that the model reduces the number of overutilized hosts significantly and also an improved task execution time, thus increasing the performance overall.

Index Terms—Index Terms—Dynamic load balancing, virtual machines (VM), VM distribution, cloudsim.

Priyansh Srivastava was with S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India. He is now with the Novell, India (e-mail: Bhavesh Gohil and Dhiren Patel are with the S.V. National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat, India (e-mail: bng@, dhiren@


Cite:Priyansh Srivastava, Bhavesh Gohil, and Dhiren Patel, "Load Management Model for cloud Computing Using Cloudsim," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 9, no.5, pp. 390-393, 2017.

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