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IJCTE 2017 Vol.9(5): 357-361 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2017.V9.1166

Pupil Detection and Tracking Based on a Round Shape Criterion by Image pPocessing Techniques for a Human Eye-Computer Interaction system

Tsumoru Ochiai and Yoshihiro Mitani

Abstract—Abstract—The pupil detection and tracking is one of important steps for developing a human-computer interaction system. To develop a human eye-computer interaction system, we study pupil detection and tracking by image processing techniques. In the image processing, the illumination directly influences the image quality in general. If influence of illumination is little, we can obtain an image of good image quality. Therefore, we proposed a hardware constitution of an infrared light-emitting diode (LED) light, a sensitive infrared camera, and an infrared (IR) filter for pupil detection and tracking, in order to avoid the influence of illumination. However, detecting a pupil was still poor because only thresholding was carried out in a pupil image. The previously proposed method has no consideration of a round shape criterion to detect a pupil part. In this paper, in order to detect a pupil more accurately, we have proposed to use a round shape criterion of a pupil. In the experiment, we investigate the robustness of pupil detection and tracking by image processing techniques for a human eye-computer interaction system.

Index Terms—Index Terms—Human-computer interaction, image processing techniques, pupil detection and tracking, round shape criterion, infrared filter.

Ochiai Tsumoru and Yoshihiro Mitani are with the National Institute of Technology, Ube College, Ube, Japan (e-mail: mitani@


Cite:Tsumoru Ochiai and Yoshihiro Mitani, "Pupil Detection and Tracking Based on a Round Shape Criterion by Image pPocessing Techniques for a Human Eye-Computer Interaction system," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 9, no. 5, pp. 357-361, 2017.

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