Abstract—Abstract—Due to the restriction of the number of probes that a patient can tolerate and the inaccurate information provided by the invasive temperature measurements, which provide information only at discrete points, a mathematical model simulation is more effective to help physicians in planning their thermal treatment doses. This simulation will maximize therapeutic effects while minimizing side effects. Prior to the treatment, it will provide a precise idea of the predicted reaction depending on selected doses; so new treatment strategies can be proposed and evaluated.
To simulate cerebral circulation [1], we divide the fluid and matter constituents within the human head into several interacting subunits, so called compartments. Four main characteristics of the analyses of the brain model are fluid dynamics analysis, mechanical analysis, laser beam and heat transfer.
The objective of this study is to simulate the Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy in Treatment (LITT) of brain tumors including all four characteristics described above. The thermal effect of the laser during coagulation lasts around one second and its temperature is between 50 0C and 90 0C. LITT has the following results; the desiccation and retraction of the tissue to destroy tumor phenomena.
Index Terms—Index Terms—Laser interstitial thermal therapy, thermal damage, brain cancer, bioheat transfer simulation.
Mhamed Nour is with Université du Québec en Outaouais, Québec, Canada (e-mail: noum03@uqo.ca).
Mohammed Bougataya and Ahmed Lakhssassi were with Université du Québec en Outaouais, Québec, Canada (e-mail: mohammed.bougataya@uqo.ca, ahmed.lakhssassi@uqo.ca,).
Cite:Mhamed Nour, Mohammed Bougataya, and Ahmed Lakhssassi, "Modeling the Laser Thermal Therapy in Treatment of Brain Tumors," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 313-317, 2017.