Abstract—The Ising model, consisting of magnetic spins, is the most important system in understanding phase transitions and critical phenomena. For the first time, the exact integer values for the density of states of the triangular-lattice Ising model with eighteen spins on a side and free boundary conditions are evaluated. Also, the exact specific heats are obtained for the triangular-lattice Ising ferromagnet and antiferromagnet at the same time.
Index Terms—Exact computation, triangular-lattice Ising model, density of states.
Seung-Yeon Kim is with the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Korea National University of Transportation, Chungju 380-702, Republic of Korea (e-mail: sykimm@ut.ac.kr).
Cite:Seung-Yeon Kim, "Exact Computation of the Triangular-Lattice Ising Model with Eighteen Spins on a Side," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 8, no. 4, pp. 280-284, 2016.