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IJCTE 2016 Vol.8(1): 1-6 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2016.V8.1011

A Novel Text Processing for Better Compression and Security in Cloud

Ebru Celikel Cankaya and Hina Vinayak

Abstract—We introduce LG-encoding, a novel approach to text encoding that shuffles the position of letters anticipating an improved compression performance. Our technique brings together the repeating letters in a word, so as to inflate redundancy to be exploited by the compression algorithm to follow. The encoding process introduces no significant overhead: It is easily reversible as it only involves repositioning the letters in a text. We experiment LG-encoding on text from 4 different source languages: English, French, German, and Spanish with a set of well-known compression algorithms that follows the encoding: Arithmetic Coding, Huffman Coding, BWT and PPM. Our results yield promising outcomes as we achieve substantially better compression rates for Arithmetic Coding and Huffman Coding that follows LG-encoding. We also propose use of our method in large data repositories, such as cloud, as it also provides significant level of security by shuffling the letters of words in text.

Index Terms—Text encoding, lossless text compression.

The authors are with the University of Texas at Dallas, Department of Computer Science, Richardson, TX USA (e-mail: {exc067000, hxv121530}


Cite:Ebru Celikel Cankaya and Hina Vinayak, "A Novel Text Processing for Better Compression and Security in Cloud," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 1-6, 2016.

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