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IJCTE 2014 Vol.6(5): 367-371 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2014.V6.891

A Novel Rapid Conceptual Design Based on Knowledge Reuse and Evolution

Minghui Li, Heming Zhang, Bing Tang, Huachao Mao, Gongzhuang Peng, and Jiaxin Zhao

Abstract—Designers often have difficulties in fulfilling rapid conceptual design for complex products or system due to the lack of sufficient multi-disciplinary well-structured and well-evolved knowledge. Therefore, this paper presents a knowledge-based multi-disciplinary system for the conceptual design by reusing the knowledge and synthesizing the evolutionary design methodology (EDM). With the system, the designers can easily search the existing design data and successful cases for reusing or evolving the functions and parameters for the design to meet requirements.

Index Terms—Conceptual design, evolutionary design methodology, knowledge-based. multi-disciplinary system, reuse.

Minghui Li, Heming Zhang, Huachao Mao, Gongzhuang Peng, and Jiaxin Zhao are with the CIMS, Department of Automation, Tsinghua University, China (e-mail:
Minghui Li and Bing Tang are with the School of Mechanical Electronic and Information Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, China.


Cite:Minghui Li, Heming Zhang, Bing Tang, Huachao Mao, Gongzhuang Peng, and Jiaxin Zhao, "A Novel Rapid Conceptual Design Based on Knowledge Reuse and Evolution," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 6, no. 5, pp. 367-371, 2014.

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