Abstract—Stakeholder is one of the software success factors
for software project in Malaysia Public Sector. The
stakeholders are defined as person who are close to the business
process and really know what the requirements needed.
Requirement is an important factor for the development of any
project and it defines what different stakeholders (users,
customer, manager and developer) need and how system will
fulfil these needs. They are the main actors in the business
process. Requirements are used as input in the design,
implementation and validation stage of product development.
Eventually, a software project can succeed or failed at any time
during project life cycle because of poor requirement gathering
and managing process. Among the key problems of information
systems requirements process is the gap between analysts and
stakeholders. Therefore, this paper describes the empirical
study performed in public sectors in Malaysia to identify the
challenges and problems arising from the stakeholders.
Index Terms—Requirement, requirements engineering,
challenges, stakeholder.
A. A. Rahman is with the Universiti Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia (e-mail: aedah@miit.unikl.edu.my).
A. Haron and S. Sahibuddin are with the Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (e-mail: azlena.haron@yahoo.com,
M. Harun is with the Malaysia Public Sector.
Cite:Aedah Abd Rahman, Azlena Haron, Shamsul Sahibuddin, and Mazlan Harun, "An Empirical Study of the Software Project Requirements Engineering Practice in Malaysia Public Sector – A Perspective from the Stakeholders’ Challenges," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 52-56, 2014.