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IJCTE 2014 Vol.6(1): 30-35 ISSN: 1793-8201
DOI: 10.7763/IJCTE.2014.V6.831

Event Detection by Spatio-Temporal Indexing of Video Clips

Shan Du, Choudhury A. Rahman, Saika Sharmeen, and Wael Badawy

Abstract—With the continuous recording of video data in current surveillance systems, it is almost impossible to quickly identify frames where events of interest did occur within a camera scene. This paper presents the concept of Spatio-temporal Indexing, which is a novel video indexing and retrieval technique that can be used for event detection. Spatio-temporal Indexing allows the users to rapidly retrieve the video clips that contain events of interest from a given video library. The proposed indexing technique analyzes the video and stores the Spatio-temporal Indexes that will be further processed to retrieve video clips queried by users. The proposed technique was tested on hours of video recordings. The results obtained provide 99.9% accuracy for event detection and retrieval. The average processing time is 3 seconds to create index for 10 minutes of videousing Intel i5-2400 processor.

Index Terms—Incident investigation, video indexing, video summarization, video retrieval.

The authors are with IntelliView Technologies Inc., 327-41 Avenue NE, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2E 2N4 (e-mail:,,,


Cite:Shan Du, Choudhury A. Rahman, Saika Sharmeen, and Wael Badawy, "Event Detection by Spatio-Temporal Indexing of Video Clips," International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 30-35, 2014.

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